Thursday, May 16, 2013

Shaolin Bishop and the Bouncing Balls of Destiny

Shaolin Bishop and the Bouncing Balls of Destiny

My new video is finished (you can watch it here). This one was mostly about drawing, I didn´t do much computer stuff. I just drew the frames, scanned them, edited the pictures to the right size (1280x720) and played them. I was drawing chronologically, and I didn´t have a plan for timing. I think it´s visible in the video, because it may be a little bit slow. So, I will give more time to planning next time.

The video consists of 29 pictures and each one is shown for 0.06 seconds, which may be a strange number. It´s approximately 18 frames per second. I have tried different timing (12 fps and 24 fps) but this one looked most natural.

I´m not sure why, but when I tested the video by taking pictures of the raw frames (only pencil and all messy, no details) it looked better than now, when I inked it, and added the details. First think I do is drawing all the frames with a pencil (a very soft 6B, next time I plan to try 8B) and then inking it with a black pencil, to make it more visible after scanning. And I think that´s it, most of the description of what I did and how I did it is in the part I post.

Now I can go prepare the next Shaolin Bishop video where I will try another "tip to learn animation".

1 comment:

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