Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Brody´s Ghost video - Final part

Here are the links for the other posts in the Brody´s Ghost video series:

Finally, everything´s done, drawn, scanned, processed and the video is finished. You can watch it here.

So, I suppose it´s time for a short summary of it all. It would be great to start by writing how long did it take me to make the video. But if I said something like 3 weeks, it would be misleading, because I worked on it only in my free time, not every day. Also, I don´t remember when I started.

But I can tell how many pictures I drew.
Head turn of the main ghost, Kagemura, is drawn on 11 pictures, for the zoom of Kagemura, I drew 1 picture (because I rendered it in computer), Chi has walked into the scene on 11 frames, the hand with snapping fingers took me 24 frames to draw, Kyo jumping into the screen was drawn on 18 frames, Soku on 7, Gi on 19 and Ran on 11. If you add these numbers, you get, that I drew 102 pictures of the Brody´s ghost characters. All of the 102 frames are together on a pictures below.

I should also mention the music and sound in the video. The music is quite simple, which is caused by the fact that I have made it myself in Garageband on iPad. And the sound of snapping fingers is a sound I recorded. That´s it really, no magic was involved.

And the absolutely last thing I will mention is this. As I have written in the Introduction (part 0) post, all the characters in the video are from comic book series Brody´s Ghost by Mark Crilley. I only drew them all in a different positions and on all the frames.

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